Beyond Description

(( Info for Radio Stations ))

♠ Weekly

FCC & Non-commercial friendly

An hour long (58-minutes)

New programs get shipped out on Mondays

The program can be broken into two (2) segments

Available as an mp3 via Dropbox and/or Google Drive

Optional evergreen station-specific promos

Optional weekly station-specific promos

Interviews featuring writers, photographers, and others who are close to the band

Music content comes from official releases
(No bootlegs, pirates, imports, or downloads)

Grateful Dead only, solo efforts and side projects rarely get featured

Once a track from a certain GD show is aired, it’s labeled to avoid repeats

Program themes include: This Day in History, celebration of a band member’s birthday, band milestones, current events relating to the band, new releases from the vault, and interviews

Promotion product is available from the band’s label

Podcast links are available for station sites